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Release Guidelines for Maintainers

These are a set of pre-release checklists used by the VIVA+ maintainers to ensure quality of the realeases. VIVA+ follows semantic versioning, following the system for version numbering as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCHES. Some of the checklists are run for all the releases, while validation of the models are evaluated for MAJOR releases (updating them to the validation catalog)

Checklist for all Releases

  • Update version number on the main files (*COMMENT, *TITLE)
  • Ensure CHANGELOG reflects the updates
  • Run Robustness Tests (for all releases)

Robustness Tests (for all releases)

The Robustness Tests are maintained at

Checklist for running robustness tests

  • In the release branch of VIVA+, update *TITLEin the input deck with release candidate status, for example, v1.0.0rc2
  • If you don't have a local copy of the VIVA+ Robustness Repo, clone it from the repo above
  • Update the vivaplus folder with the new version to be tested using git subtree command
    git subtree pull --prefix vivaplus release-branch-name --squash
    Change release-branch-name to the branch that needs to be tests
  • If this is a major release, continue with the Validation Evaluations

Model Validation (evaluated for major releases)

Rerun the model validation loadcases available on the validation catalog repository

Run validations for new version

  • If you don't have a local copy of the VIVA+ Validation Catalog, clone it from the repo above
  • Update the vivaplus folder with the new version to be tested using git subtree command
    git subtree pull --prefix vivaplus release-branch-name --squash
    Change release-branch-name to the branch that needs to be tests