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Positioned Models

We maintain a collection of positioned models. These models are available at

If you would like to contribute to the VIVA+ library by sharing your positioned models, follow the steps below.

Get in touch with VIVA+ maintainers/user community either on Zulip or by creating an issue on the VIVA+ repo

1. Fork the VIVA+ project template

Fork the VIVA+ project template to get a copy of the template. This is the repository where you will update the model to the positioned model.

2. Update the vivaplus folder

Update the base model with the new node coordinates of the positioned models. Edit the README to describe the position.

3. Let the maintainers know

If you have created an issue already, paste the link to your repo on the issue and mark the issue as ready. It is a good practice to leave a running example in your repository. Your models will be made available in the Positioned Models library